Teri Hannigan Score acceptance letter

I rifled through my mail and there it was. 

My self-addressed, stamped envelope from the Southern California Open Regional Art Exhibit.  Oh.  It was very thin.  Was that a bad sign?  I felt a CD, possibly the one I’d submitted with digital photos of two pieces.

When I got home, I sat at my desk, put the envelope down and turned on my computer.  Then I carefully tore open the envelope.  Actually, I shredded it.  Inside the envelope was a Notification Claim Card, stapled to some other small documents, and a letter.

Wait.  There was an X next to β€œSelected” on the claim card, under Entry A, No Use Crying.  It looked like one of my entries had been accepted!  My dad was online so I sent him a chat.

me: OMGOMG!!! One of my pieces has been selected for The Southern California Open Regional Exhibit!

Wait.  I looked closer.  There was another X under Entry B, My Creative Mojo:  A Trio of Autobiographic Sculptures on Creativity.  Yes!  The type was tiny, but there it was.

BOTH pieces had been accepted!  Woo-hooo!  By this time, I was grinning from ear to ear, and doing a little jig.  O Happy Day!

The exhibit runs Wednesday, January 6th to Saturday, January 30th, 2010, and the opening reception is Saturday, January 10th from 2-5 pm.  I’d love to see you there!


No Use Crying

My Creative Mojo Set of 3

My Creative Mojo



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