Soul Journey | Shell

Soul Journey: Shell by Teri Hannigan



Stoneware, guilder’s paste, steel
22”H x 8”W x 5”D



What is the impulse that keeps us strategizing to armor our authentic selves? When did vulnerability become a bad idea?

As we allow the shells of inauthenticity to drop away, exposing a glimmer of nothingness, it reveals our soul’s’s deepest yearning for freedom–to begin each moment from nothing, a clean and vulnerable place.

A combination of glazes merges into layers of color down the sculpture.  A tender heart peaks through the appliquéd shell of armor exposing its raw vulnerability in a wash of pink underglaze. The sword in the figure’s skull signifies that the mind has no place in matters of the heart.



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Soul Journey: Wounded Heart - Teri Hannigan

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